The Burberry Prorsum show, where Christopher Bailey showcased a flock of shearling jackets, is surely the show that has launched a thousand high street copies. I've already seen a few good imitations online and on the high street, and the Topshop flying jacket, despite its hefty price tag, sold out in a flash online. I'm loving the look of the Warehouse aviator jackets, and the ASOS version has a really authentic feel to it, with functional zips a plenty.
Trousers are having something of a resurgence at present. Whether they be hareem, high waisted, chinos or peg leg, there are plenty of styles to choose from. Either stick to the neutral tones seen at Chloé, the sophisticated blacks á la Celine or, if you're feeling bold plump for a pair in a bright colour or with a printed design.
What better way to spend a winter's evening than curled up with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate whilst snuggled up in a chunky knit. From a practical perspective, if our winter is anywhere near as cold this year as it was last, I'll be investing in many a wooly jumper to keep the cold at bay! Whether worn with jeans, trousers, a midi-skirt or over a dress, a chunky knit is an extremely versatile way to see you warmly through until the spring.
The Mulberry Alexa, a sell out when it was first launched, has set the trend for Autumn/Winter's must have bag- the satchel. Whether you plump for a vintage bag, are lucky enough to be able to afford a Mulberry original, or pick up yours from the many available on the high street, the satchel is the key accessory for the coming season.
What do you think? What pieces will you be looking to pick up on the high street for Autumn/Winter?
(Image credit:, TOPSHOP, WAREHOUSE, Rokit, mulberry,, ASOS,, Oasis and
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